Booster By-Laws





Article I

The name of this organization shall be the Sturgis Band and Orchestra Parents

Association Inc.

Article II



Section I To arouse and maintain an enthusiastic interest in various phases of the

Instrumental Music Department of the Sturgis Public Schools.

Section II To support, both morally and financially, the Instrumental Music

Program in the schools and the Board of Education to the end that this

department be brought to and kept at the highest possible degree of efficiency.

Section III To build and maintain an organization, which will promote the general

activities of the Instrumental Music Department.

Article III

The membership of this organization shall be open to all those having an interest in the

Instrumental Music Department of the Sturgis Public Schools. Those holding an elected

office of the Sturgis Band and Orchestra Parents Association, Inc. must have a child in the

Instrumental Music program, with the exception of the Past President. The voting

membership of this organization will be restricted to those having a child in the Instrumental

Music Program.

Article IV

Section I The officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary ,Treasurer and

Past President if available. The Directors of the Instrumental Music Department of the Sturgis Public Schools will be members of the Board of Directors acting in an advisory capacity.


Section II The elected offices may be filled by an individual or by a couple who serve

co-equally. In all cases there shall be one vote per office.





Article I

Duties of Officers:

Section I The President shall preside at all meetings and may be ex-officio member of

all committees, with exception of the Nominating Committee.

Section II The Vice President shall assume all the duties of the President in the absence

of the President, and oversee all fundraising activities.

Section III The Secretary shall keep the records and minutes of all meetings. Shall notify

all Board Members of time and place of each Board meeting and will attend to

all correspondence.

Section IV The Treasurer shall receive all funds due the club and pay expenditures upon

written approval of the Board of Directors and one of the Directors of the Instrumental Music Department.

Article II

Tenure of Office:

Section I A term of office is defined as one year.

Section II An officer may not be elected to the same office for more than two consecutive

terms, with the exception of the Treasurer who shall be elected annually and

may be reelected without limit, providing they have a child in the Instrumental

Music program.

Article III

The Board of Directors

Section I The Board shall be composed of the officers of the association and the

Directors of the Instrumental Music Department.

Section II The Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the association.

Section III The Board shall meet prior to each meeting or as called by the President.

Section IV The purpose of the Board of Directors is to review reports and issues before

the organization. The board will then present, with recommendation, the

issues and reports at the general meeting. They will be voted upon at the

general meeting.

If an emergency need arises for funds before the next meeting, the board has approval per an emergency special board meeting to spend up to $500.00. A report of interim expenditures will be provided at the next meeting.

Article IV


Section I The regular meetings of the association shall be scheduled at the May meeting.

All members shall be notified of such meetings and their time and place by the

school calendar.

Section II The annual meeting shall be the regular meeting in April.

Section III Special meetings may be called by the President upon forty-eight hours phoned

notice and announcement on the school’s PA systems, and on the school

computerized communication system (Power School or equivalent.)

Article V


Section I The appointing of Committees shall be left to the discretion of the Board of


Section II The Directors of Instrumental Music may be ex-officio members of all


Article VI

Dues There shall be no dues.

Article VII


Section I A Nominating Committee will consist of the Board of Directors and

at least three (3) other volunteers. The majority of the Nominating Committee

will be Board Members. Volunteers to serve on the Nominating

Committee will be solicited during a general meeting and present the slate

at least one month in advance of the election.

Section II Officers are to be elected at the general meeting in April.

Section III A majority vote of the members present shall constitute a quorum.

Section IV Newly elected officers shall assume their duties at the May meeting. All books

and pertinent information shall be transferred from old to new officers at this

time. The financial books shall be audited prior to a new treasurer taking

office or every two (2) years by a qualified individual outside the organization

approved by the Board of Directors.

Article VIII


The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this association in all cases in which they do not conflict with the rules of this association.

Article IX


In case of dissolvement of this organization all assets and real and personal

property of the organization shall revert to the Sturgis City commission.

Article X


The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the

members present at any regular meeting. The amendments must have been

presented at the preceding regular meeting of the association.

Article XI

This Constitution and Bylaws supercedes and makes obsolete all previous Constitution,

Bylaws and Amendments thereto.

Date Adopted: May 24, 1977

Amended: December 10, 2002

Amended: May 15, 2004

Amended: March 17, 2005



Signed by:________________________________________
