Athletic Training has been present in civilization since the Greek and Roman era. Our program at Sturgis High School has been here over 30 years and continues to grow and flourish. Students who are interested in the program are able to speak with Mrs. Hopkins, AT, ATC and receive paperwork, and a consent form from parents, in order to join. Once paperwork is received, the student will have a little sit down with Mrs. Hopkins, AT, ATC.
Students in this program are exposed to the field of athletic training via Athletic Training Internship class, if their schedules allow, and hands on experience in the field and clinic. Athletic Training Students also are exposed to different colleges on our annual field trip. The students have been to: Western Michigan University, Grand Valley State University, University of Michigan, & Michigan State University. During our field trips they see all athletic training facilities, sport's facilities, living situations, and speak with admission office on how to apply to college.
Head Athletic Trainer
Mrs. Hopkins, AT, ATC